Tackle Scout

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Marine Battery Selection Guide for Anglers

Batteries are the lifeblood of modern boats. They are responsible for powering everything from fish finders, navigation lights, aerator pumps, stereos, and trolling motors. As the demands on boat batteries have...

Marine Battery Group Size Chart

Marine Battery Group Size Explained [Chart]

Modern fishing boats have many accessories to power like pumps, lights, stereos, trolling motors, and fish finders. If you’ve ever had issues powering all those things over a full day of fishing, you’ll likely hear the...

Lucky Tackle Box Review (Bass XL Unboxings)

Lucky Tackle Box (also known as LTB) is a monthly fishing tackle subscription box. The company is very popular, especially for it’s Bass XL and Tournament boxes. LTB has a strong fanbase, which you can see on sites like...

Selecting the Best Crankbait Rod for Bass Fishing

When I first started getting into bass fishing, I used 3 or 4 rods for all my lures and techniques. It worked well for a few years until I got better at fishing certain techniques. I realized some of my rods weren’t...