Fishing pliers are one of those easily overlooked pieces of gear. Anglers don’t really think about them until they are in desperate need of them. The best fishing pliers can remove hooks, bend wires, change split...
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5 Best Fluorocarbon Lines (Baitcasting and Spinning)
Fluorocarbon fishing line has been around for a long time in saltwater fishing, mostly used as leader material for line shy fish. As the manufacturing process improved, the major line companies started introducing...
Best Landing Net for Any Species
One of the most frustrating things in fishing is the loss of a fish right at the edge of the boat – gone, after you have put in all the work locating and plotting how to catch them. That nice fish literally becomes the...
Best Ice Fishing Line for All Situations
Some guys always seem to forget to re-spool their ice reels with new fishing line. Maybe they are too excited to hit the ice, maybe they’re just lazy. Either way, don’t be like them. If you left your line on...
Best Ice Fishing Heater to Outlast the Cold
It’s impossible to fish effectively when the wind is cutting through your shelter and your hands are frozen into a permanent claw shape. The next to go are your toes, and you suddenly don’t feel like fishing anymore...